Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dear Sweet Cousin, this to shall pass.

Due to a recent debunkle in my cousin’s life, I have sent myself into a state of contemplation. This introspection may lead to a memoir someday, or at least a funny story to share my clients some day, who knows?

Here goes:

Why get hugely hung up in a guy who isn’t that hung up on you? I have not read those “He’s just not that into you” books nor the “ you’re just not that into him” but I do have multitudes of dating experience. I mean once I was at a bar, on a date and at that bar, that night, there were 6 guys I dated! It was at that moment that I decided to start hanging out at a different bar and avoid that particular watering hole for about 2 years.

But seriously, after all of this dating experience I have come up with something, if a guy just is not into you, then he isn’t into you, and that does not mean that you aren’t pretty, sexy, intelligent, and quite something. It simply means he is not ready for something as spectacular as you are in his life. And his not being ready is no reflection of who you are as a person. Nor is it a reflection of who he is.. or maybe it is a reflection of who he is at that point in time, a man who is just not ready. I like the sex and the city light analogy; “men at like Taxi’s, they drive around picking up women for years with their lights out. Hn they finally turn their light on the next woman they pick up is the woman they’ll marry and settle down with. Most men drive around for years with their light off picking up women.”

So my sweet cousin, do not let this man get to you. You are an incredible person; you are genuine, beautiful, intelligent, and sexy as a minx. If these words of wisdom do not help you, you could always spit in his hair, tie his shoe laces together, and run away yelling girls rule and boys drool. Alas, repress the inner second grader and act like the spectacular person you are in good time Mister Awesome come out of the woodwork.

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