Monday, November 5, 2007

Smell On

My olfactory system is great, at least I think it is great. It tells me when something good is cooking or when something has soured and is thus no longer palatable. My schnozzle also helps me out in the area of attraction. I must admit I love the smell of men. Men smell great! They smell better then fresh baked bread, mint, Chanel number 5, heck, some men smell better then Grapefruit (my favorite smell in the entire world).

Now that I have rambled about great smells, I’ll let you in on a secret, the stinker a guy is, the better he smells to me. WHAT!? Miss Murphy you gross girl you. Okay I am not talking about flatulence smell or stinky feet smell or even morning breath stink oh no, no, no. The odor I am referencing is …tee hee arm pit smell. I know this sounds terribly grotesque but to me there is no sexier smell that a guy can tout then that musky odor of sweat and pheromones mixed with their choice of deodorant.

I have had this smelly fetish for my entire life and I just learned this morning the explanation to it. Reader you are probably already assuming I am going to talk about pheromones, which I am to a degree but I am going to delve deeper into this. This smell that is so intoxicating can be traced to my genes. Crazy, my genetic make up makes me attracted to hairy, stinky, tall men! The gene or actually in my case lack there of is OR7D4 and according to an article I recently read, I lack this gene and that my reader is why post work out, no shower men are the sexiest beings on the planet to me. If I were to have one copy of this gene I would actually take no notice to pit smell or if I had two copies of it I would wretch at the smell of an odorific male.

Here are some others smells that are great: Grapefruit, Eucalyptus, Cheerio’s, Musky Basements, Old Books, Dark Black Moist Dirt, Powdered Cake Mix Vanilla Flavor, Puppies, Chlorine, and Sun Skin Smell (the way my skin smells after a day of hiking or playing out in the sun).

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