Monday, June 23, 2008

The Virgins: Possibly not so Virginal?

Several items must be addressed, in no particular order.

Item numero uno: Franz Ferdinand, but not as flasy, enough said on this topic.
Item numero dos: Predictable =’ s tacky + skanky first video.
Item numero tres: Stellar tour locations, you guys have great tour style already!
Item numero quarto: You make me want to disco hard all night
Item numero cinco: Will we see your shiny cute faces in Spin anytime soon?
Finalamente: BTW, you ‘virgins’ have good taste in strippers.

Also,I am not so hip on their lyrics but their sound sort of grows on you like a fungal infection. They almost seem like more of a manufactured bands then a happenstance garage band.

Specimen One:
“Lately I can see you’re scared
Cause we're growing up
Maybe if you changed your hair
You'd be good enough
Kids I used to know that died
Now they're not around
I wonder what they think of life
When they're looking down” Ferando Pando

I give it 2 out of 4 Kitty Paws!

Katy Perry: Cherry Flavored Saccharin Delite!

But is that a good thing?

Have you heard of her yet? What you haven’t heard about this new (some what ripped off)act? Well she is classically beautiful and she is crooning about kissing girls and liking it.

"I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick" I Kissed A Girl

Words that come to mind to describe Katy Perry
Word 1: Cute
Word 2: Vintage
Word 3: Quirky
(not a great adjective list, sadly it gets worse)
Staying power? Not sure at this point. Katy may have potential to have a terrific follow up album or she may fizzle out like other young talents in Hollywood. I suppose only time will tell if she will pull or a Brittany or an Alanis.

She reminds me a lot of Lilly Allen, just minus the whole spoiled British princess part. Her sound is fresh and fun, just in time for cool summer evenings. I recommend all windows down, “I Kissed a Girl” blaring, wind blowing through hair and a cherry slush a la Sonic.

Her whole album is a little on the random side. She is acoustic, electro-industrial-dance. Katy's first release off of One of the Boys is “I kissed a girl” which is a fantastic electro-industrial-dance power ballad. However, the electro-dance theme does not persist through the rest of the songs on the album. “Thinking of You” is the classic girl strums guitar and reminisces about love lost, her vocals in this song are a mash of Abra Moore meets Shakira, seriously, hear it out.

I recommend:
Hot N Cold
I Kissed a Girl

...........And that Miss Perry seriously consider giving Dita Von Tease her idenity back.

I give it 2 out of 4 kitty paws!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Under the spell of Under the Black light

I am not really sure what about this album became so addictive… Jenny Lewis has the voice of a divine indie goddess and her three accompanying gentlemen strum and drum with their souls fully engaged. The lyrics and harmonies of this album are muy fantasico tambien.

My some of my favorite lyrics:
“Betrayal is a thorny crown
You wear it well
Just like a king
Revenge is the saddest thing
Honey, I’m afraid to say
You deserve everything”- Break’in Up

“I been whored and I been gored
I been less and I been more
But I never thought I’d see you
As I did today
Till the angels hung around” - The Angels Hung Around

“It is a lion's science fiction wings,
Just like a jolly dizzy for zero, one, three times
The size of the people that came before.
Me and you and what we'd do for money” - Dreamworld

My top songs on the album are:

Break’in Up , Silver Lining, The Angels Hung Around, and Under the Blacklight

Actually the whole album is great: preview?

I give it 4 out 4 kitty paws!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Juno, Alaska?

No Juno the flilm silly!

I actually loved this film, however; this love turned to like shortly after the Juno craze began. I was a big fan of Diablo Cody's writing. Her stripper novel. Anyhoot, I just think the film was too successful, too fast. There needs to be sufferage in the film industry!

Oh well I still lke the movie.

I will actually be traveling to Alaska in May. My little brother is getting married to a girl from Alaska...not Juno, Alaska. She is from a tiny town named...well I actually forgot the name.

I suppose this will be all for now.


5,6,9, and 10

Perfect Fit

The Velvet Underground. I know they aren’t new but they are new to me. They are like a second hand sweater. They are already broken in and splendid. You cozy up in it and feel like you are in a serene sanctuary.

Crimson and Clover – delish!


Spider solitary is the devils tit to which I suckle at. Pitiable

A slap on the hand and thirty grand, sure I’ll take two!

I am currently appalled by our justice system. Typically I am not appalled rather more like bugged, however, today I feel like punching someone. If you know me then you know that I am a none violent person. Today is a different day though. I just read the front page of the Albuquerque journal and discovered that as per norm our society is going to hell in a hand basket.

A man was given five years of probation for armed robbery. What lesson is this teaching the criminal Anthony Hernandez and what lesson is this teaching our society?

I am a contributing member of society. I work, I pay taxes, I worked my way through college, and am now working my way through my masters degree. I am frustrated because I cannot afford nice things, I am frustrated because sometimes I have to forgo certain items due to economic hardship, I am frustrated because criminals are treated better by the government then students and contributing members of society. I have had it with our legal system.

I am ready to give up on my master’s degree in counseling and ready to starts my graduate degree in being a criminal. At least if I get thrown in prison I can get another bachelors degree, three meals a day and be able to watch all of the television I can handle, heck a congeal visit once a year wouldn’t be so bad either.

Seriously though, I am thoroughly disappointed in District Judge Mark Macaron. I honestly wonder how he sleeps at night knowing that he let a man off who has a criminal record already and appears to be getting worse then a girls gone wild video (bad analogy).

Judgie, what was wrong with this guy doing a twelve year stint in the pen? Maybe it would have made an honest man out of him? Maybe it would have scared him to a life of honesty? Maybe it would have helped straighten his life out. I suppose we will never know the what if’s of the situation, but more over we will know the reality of it if/when he kills someone, hits up a bank, accidentally shoots a child while trying to purchase a firearm that he is not supposed to have due to the terms of probation, kills a homeless man for his penny dish, or breaks into judgie Mark’s home and steals his huge 52 inch television. That last action may make judgie reconsider his decision, but maybe not I mean home insurance will pay for it, right? Home owners insure would not of covered the connivance store clerk, nor the police officer that risked his life would it have? Does there have to be bloodshed in order for justice to b served, judgie?

Good luck sleeping at night citizens of Albuquerque. May you fall asleep knowing that there are criminals amongst us and that our legal does not care about your well being, but they sure as hell are gracious for you going to work and paying your taxes on time so they can have a nice salaries.

Thank you to APD for trying to bring justice to a city that is crime ridden. My suggestion to the injustice that you feel is to shoot first ask questions later, at least that way criminals will be off the streets and injustice will be served to those deserve it.

(Disclaimer: I was really fed up with bullshit when I read this article and even more fed up when I wrote this)

Oh it is good to be a graduate student?

Now that I am in the program I am trying to figure out what I want my specialty to be. There are a lot of options and I do not have to specialize, but I want to. Here are several specialty areas that I feel would never get boring, and that I could be masterful in: Family, Marriage and Couples counseling
Child play therapy
Creative arts therapy
Sex therapy
MST which is mostly applied to Family therapy but it is more rigorous.

I also have to choose a theoretical orientation. Oye! I already know which orientation I feel most comfortable with so I am thinking it will be my base orientation and then I will otherwise be eclectic. School starts on the twenty second, I am psyched!

Dear Sweet Cousin, this to shall pass.

Due to a recent debunkle in my cousin’s life, I have sent myself into a state of contemplation. This introspection may lead to a memoir someday, or at least a funny story to share my clients some day, who knows?

Here goes:

Why get hugely hung up in a guy who isn’t that hung up on you? I have not read those “He’s just not that into you” books nor the “ you’re just not that into him” but I do have multitudes of dating experience. I mean once I was at a bar, on a date and at that bar, that night, there were 6 guys I dated! It was at that moment that I decided to start hanging out at a different bar and avoid that particular watering hole for about 2 years.

But seriously, after all of this dating experience I have come up with something, if a guy just is not into you, then he isn’t into you, and that does not mean that you aren’t pretty, sexy, intelligent, and quite something. It simply means he is not ready for something as spectacular as you are in his life. And his not being ready is no reflection of who you are as a person. Nor is it a reflection of who he is.. or maybe it is a reflection of who he is at that point in time, a man who is just not ready. I like the sex and the city light analogy; “men at like Taxi’s, they drive around picking up women for years with their lights out. Hn they finally turn their light on the next woman they pick up is the woman they’ll marry and settle down with. Most men drive around for years with their light off picking up women.”

So my sweet cousin, do not let this man get to you. You are an incredible person; you are genuine, beautiful, intelligent, and sexy as a minx. If these words of wisdom do not help you, you could always spit in his hair, tie his shoe laces together, and run away yelling girls rule and boys drool. Alas, repress the inner second grader and act like the spectacular person you are in good time Mister Awesome come out of the woodwork.

Which statement is incorrect?

1. I am living with my partner whom loves me he crawls out of bed at 5:15 to make sure I get up.
2. I am immaculately pregnant with either the next messiah or the next destroyer of the world
3. I got into the Counselor Educator program at UNM and set up for graduation in the Fall 2009.