I am currently appalled by our justice system. Typically I am not appalled rather more like bugged, however, today I feel like punching someone. If you know me then you know that I am a none violent person. Today is a different day though. I just read the front page of the Albuquerque journal and discovered that as per norm our society is going to hell in a hand basket.
A man was given five years of probation for armed robbery. What lesson is this teaching the criminal Anthony Hernandez and what lesson is this teaching our society?
I am a contributing member of society. I work, I pay taxes, I worked my way through college, and am now working my way through my masters degree. I am frustrated because I cannot afford nice things, I am frustrated because sometimes I have to forgo certain items due to economic hardship, I am frustrated because criminals are treated better by the government then students and contributing members of society. I have had it with our legal system.
I am ready to give up on my master’s degree in counseling and ready to starts my graduate degree in being a criminal. At least if I get thrown in prison I can get another bachelors degree, three meals a day and be able to watch all of the television I can handle, heck a congeal visit once a year wouldn’t be so bad either.
Seriously though, I am thoroughly disappointed in District Judge Mark Macaron. I honestly wonder how he sleeps at night knowing that he let a man off who has a criminal record already and appears to be getting worse then a girls gone wild video (bad analogy).
Judgie, what was wrong with this guy doing a twelve year stint in the pen? Maybe it would have made an honest man out of him? Maybe it would have scared him to a life of honesty? Maybe it would have helped straighten his life out. I suppose we will never know the what if’s of the situation, but more over we will know the reality of it if/when he kills someone, hits up a bank, accidentally shoots a child while trying to purchase a firearm that he is not supposed to have due to the terms of probation, kills a homeless man for his penny dish, or breaks into judgie Mark’s home and steals his huge 52 inch television. That last action may make judgie reconsider his decision, but maybe not I mean home insurance will pay for it, right? Home owners insure would not of covered the connivance store clerk, nor the police officer that risked his life would it have? Does there have to be bloodshed in order for justice to b served, judgie?
Good luck sleeping at night citizens of Albuquerque. May you fall asleep knowing that there are criminals amongst us and that our legal does not care about your well being, but they sure as hell are gracious for you going to work and paying your taxes on time so they can have a nice salaries.
Thank you to APD for trying to bring justice to a city that is crime ridden. My suggestion to the injustice that you feel is to shoot first ask questions later, at least that way criminals will be off the streets and injustice will be served to those deserve it.
(Disclaimer: I was really fed up with bullshit when I read this article and even more fed up when I wrote this)