Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is it a Marathon or a Sprint?

I can’t believe it is almost May, the fifth month of the year! Where is time going? I suppose it is true what the elderly say, “after 18 it is just a landslide into menopause.” Ok maybe an elderly woman would say that, or maybe she would not. I think I would die of a stroke if I actually were to hear an elderly woman say that.

Anyhow back to the topic. Time. Where is it going? I have been reflecting on the past a little bit lately and I am realizing that after I graduated from college time just started rapidly escaping me. How? Why? Who? What? Where it is going?! I feel like I am still 21 years old when in fact I am now 24. Where did those three years go? I want them back because they went too fast.

I really want time to slow down. I want to enjoy every single second of my life. I want to feel every moment of my life. I want to do things in my time and not feel pressured. I think we live in such a rushed society. “Hurry up grow up” “hurry up and finish college so you can start your nine to five”, “hurry up invest in the market”, “hurry up get married and have kids, get a dog and a mini van”!!! Society pushes us to move way too fast. I think that the Planet has actually started to spin faster to keep up with us and our internet super highways and Intel rapid processing chips.

What about the lollygaggers? I am a lollygagger. I just want things to roll on at a smooth/steady/slow to moderate pace. What is the point in rushing my life away it is already going too fast. Note: I don’t mind having to sprint to catch up on things in life because I was too unhurried. But I think the things that I will have to catch up on will be later in life… okay except my graduate application(s) to UT, UWS, UNM and GRE I will be sprinting on both of those, no doubt about it.

I do not think that our civilization, planet, or life style will ever slow down, in fact I speculate that it will just keep going faster and faster until it is spinning so out of control that we get off kilter and fly straight into the sun. So that more then likely will never happen. I guess if everything won’t slow then I will have to hurry to catch up. Let me put on my Wonder Woman t-shirt and New Balances and get out there at a moderate to rapid pace (my lollygagging self can comprise).

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